ACADEMIC FIELDS - National Security of Armenia - History of Armenia and Near East from the XVIIth to XXth centuries - Military History of Armenia - American Historiography on Armenia - The Relations between Armenia and Armenian Diaspora - Geopolitics and regional security issues of Transcaucasia (South Caucasus)
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Public lecture series by Dr. Armen Ayvazyan in Canada. Public lecture series by Dr. Armen Ayvazyan in New York, US. Public lecture series by Dr. Armen Ayvazyan and Dr. Lusine Sahakyan in Glendale, US. National Security Concept of RA: Comments and Analysis. Conference-Discussion, Yerevan State University Palian Hall, May 17th, 2007. Speakers: Armen Ayvazyan, Director, ARARAT Center for Strategic Research and Vigen Sargsyan, Assistant to RA President.