ACADEMIC FIELDS - National Security of Armenia - History of Armenia and Near East from the XVIIth to XXth centuries - Military History of Armenia - American Historiography on Armenia - The Relations between Armenia and Armenian Diaspora - Geopolitics and regional security issues of Transcaucasia (South Caucasus)
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Dr. Armen Ayvazyan (Aivazian) is the Director of the ARARAT Center for Strategic Research and Senior Researcher in the Matenadaran, the Yerevan Institute of Ancient Manuscripts. He holds doctoral degrees in History (1992) and Political Science (2004).
From 1992 to 1994 he worked as Assistant to the President of Armenia, Adviser to the Foreign Minister of Armenia, and Acting Head of the Armenian Delegation to the Conference (now Organization) on Security and Cooperation in Europe at Vienna.
He was a recipient of an International Security Studies grant provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, working in affiliation with the Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (1995). During the 1997-1998 academic year, he was a Visiting Senior Fulbright Scholar, affiliated with the Center for Russian and East European Studies, Stanford University, USA. He was a Visiting Alexander S. Onassis Foundation Fellow at ELIAMEP, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (2000-2001, Athens).
Dr. Ayvazyan worked also as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science at the American University of Armenia, a Fellow at the American University of Armenia's Center for Policy Analysis, a Guest Lecturer at the Yerevan State University and Professor of Political Science at the Armenian State Academy of Governance. He was also the Team Leader of the European Commission's sponsored Campaign Against "Corruption-Friendly Legal and Social Settings in Armenia program" in 2004-2005.
Dr. Ayvazyan is the author of several monographs, book chapters, and many articles in Armenian and international journals.
Below are the books published by Ayvazyan:
- Demography of the Eastern Armenians in the XVII–XVIII Centuries and the Strength of Armenian Army in the 1720s (Yerevan, 2022, in Armenian)
- The Code of Honor of the Armenian Military (4-5th Centuries) (Yerevan, 2021, Second, revised and expanded edition)
- The Armenian-Persian War of 449-451: A Military History (Yerevan, 2016; St. Petersburg, 2017, in Russian).
- The Armenian Military in the Byzantine Empire: Conflict and Alliance under Justinian and Maurice (2012; 2014, 2nd revised and expanded edition).
- Les Forces Militaires Arméniennes dans l'Empire Byzantin: Luttes et alliances sous Justi-nien et Maurice. Traduction de l'anglais par Pascal Bataillard (2013, in French).
- The Cornerstones of Armenian Identity: The Armenian Language, Army and State (2007, in Armenian).
- "Hayrenatirutiun (Pro Patria)" series, Vol. 2. The Questions of Strategy and Security. Selected Studies. Compiled and Edited with an Introduction by Armen Ayvazyan (2007, in Armenian and Russian).
- "Hayrenatirutiun (Pro Patria" series, Vol. 1. The Liberated Territory of Armenia and the Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: Selected Studies. Compiled and Edited with an Introduction by Armen Ayvazyan (2006, in Armenian and Russian).
- An Anthology of International Anti-Corruption Experience (Selected Studies). Compiled with an Introduction and Commentary by Armen Aivazian. Edited by A. Aivazian & G. Yazichian (2005).
- “The Strategy for Development of Armenian Studies in the Changing International Scientific Milieu”, published as a special issue of the journal Hayastan, № 3 (5) September 2005 (in Armenian).
- Essential Elements for Armenia's National Security Doctrine. Part 1. (2003; 2004, 2nd expanded ed., in Armenian).
- The Armenian Church at the Crossroads of the Armenian Liberation Movement in the XVIII Century (2003, in Armenian).
- Mother Tongue and The Origins of Nationalism: A Comparative Study of the Armenian and European Primary Sources (2001, in Armenian).
- The Code of Honor of the Armenian Military, 4-5th centuries (2000, in Armenian).
- The History of Armenia as Presented in American Historiography: A Critical Survey (1998, in Armenian).
- The Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict and the Strategic Security of Armenia (1998, in Armenian).
- The Armenian Rebellion of the 1720s and the Threat of Genocidal Reprisal (1997, in English).