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Armenian-Turkish conflict
"Turkey's Military Doctrine and Turkish Threat", “Sobesednik Armenii”, #15 (178), 22 april, 2011 Read in Armenian , Russian
"Republic of Turkey – the First Fascist State in History", “Sobesednik Armenii/Hayastani Zrutsakits” weekly (Yerevan), № 10 (173), 18 March 2011 Read in Armenian, Russian
The Results of the «Football Diplomacy», (in Armenian), 12.04.2010
The possibility of war has increased?, (in Armenian, Russiann),, 30.01.2010
Our Purpose Is To Interdict the Publication and Distribution of the Genocide Denial Literature , (in Armenian),, 27.01.2010
Armen Ayvazyan: «Au bout des protocoles, c’est la colonisation de l’Arménie», France-Arménie, No. 353 (1-15 janver 2010), p. 13.
A Letter to the Editor of "Azdak", (in Armenian) 04.11.2009
"Turkey’s Guilty Conscience", By Christian Caryl, Foreign Policy, 09.10.2009 Արարատ կենտրոնը հիշատակվում է արևմտյան ամենահեղինակավոր միջազգայնագիտական հանդեսներից մեկում՝ Foreign Policy-ում։
"Accepting the Turkish Tutelage", Sobesednik Armeni, 09.10.2009 Read in Armenian, Russian
"The Mediator is Switzerland: Why?", (in Russian), Golos Armenii, 06.10.2009
"Protocols and parliament: Debate on Armenia-Turkey deal reaches NA’s forum" ,, 02.10.2009 Read in Armenian
"Тhe Negotiations Evolve Around the Turkish Phased Plan of the Destruction of Armenian Statehoood", (in Armenian), Iravunk de facto, 10.04.2009
"Renaissance of the Armenians will come when the Armenian government recalls the Armenian Question from Oblivion" (on the International Law Level of the Armenian Question), (in Russian) Armen Ayvazyan, 20.04.2009
"Relating with the Enemy -- With no Guarantees?", (in Armenian), interview with A. Ayvazyan in "Zrutsakits",#13 (84), 10.04.2009
"The Consequences of the Armenian Genocide", interviewed by Gurgen Karapetyan,, 10.04.2009 Read in Armenian, Russian
"Turkey will open its border with Armenia to Cause Her More Harm" , (in Russian) , REGNUM, 24.02.2009
"Dangerous Flirt: On Armenian-Turkish 'Rapprochement' ", (in Armenian) , Armen Ayvazyan interviewed by Lilith Poghosyan, "Hayoc Ashkharh", 14.02.2009
«The Five Neighbors Around Table» , (in Armenian ) , Liana Khachatryan, National , 26.01.2009.
"Structural Analysis of the Armenian-Turkish Conflict", 09.12.2008 Read in armenian and russian
"The Number of Goals Turkey Scores to Аrmenia’s Football Diplomacy May Increase" , Yerkir , Armen Ayvazyan, 26.09.2008 Read in Armenian
"Question of Preconditions: Prospects for Armenian-Turkish Relations" , Hayotz Ashkharh, 09.09.2008 Read in Armenian
"On the So Called "Normalization" and Essence of Armenian-Turkish Relations", (in Armenian), Hayotz Ashkharh, 06.09.2008
"What do you think the Turkish special services are presently doing in Armenia?", (in Russian), Golos Armeni, 04 march 2008,
"The Armenian Foreign Policy in the Context of the Armenian Question," Armen Ayvazyan's speech at the Hearings on the Armenian-Turkish relations held in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, December 19-20, 2007. Read in Armenian, Russian
"Misinformation regarding ties between Armenia and Kurdistan Workers Party is possible prelude to aggression: Armen Ayvazyan", (in Russian), REGNUM, 26.12.2007
Armen Ayvazyan: Instead of reading the Genocide resolution adopted in US, they are playing the game of “she loves me, she loves me not” in Armenia "She loves me, she loves me not", REGNUM, October 16, 2007 Read in armenian and russian
"Western Armenia vs Eastern Anatolia", Europe & Orient (Journal of the Institute Tchobanian, Paris) No. 4, 2007
“The Genocide and the Armenian Response in the 21st Century”, Venue: Royal Palace, Glendale, 19 April 2005. Read in Armenian.
Talk in London, 27 April 2003, including: 1. Strategic Consequences of the Armenian Genocide 2. Denial of the Genocide: Security Implications for Armenia 3. Organized Repatriation as the Path for the Development of the Armenian State and Nation
"The Failure to Implement the Sevres Treaty and Its Effects on the Middle East and International Relations", (in Armenian), «YERKIR», #1 (1871), 13.01.2006,
"It's Much Worse Than the TARC", in Russian, Golos Armenii, 10.12.2002 г. Read in Armenian.
"Karabakh conflict is part of the Armenian Question", (in Russian), Armen Ayvazyan interviewed by David Stepanyan, Arminfo, 23.02.2009
Azerbaijan demands total and unconditional surrender of Armenia — expert opinion, REGNUM, 29.10.2008 Read in Armenian, Russian
"Is the Right to Self-determination a Prerogative of Superpowers?" , Armenian Interlocutor, interview by Armine Simonyan, September 5, 2008 Read in Armenian and Russian
"The Karabakh Conflict - Preservation for the Sake of Preservation: A Cut of Opinions of the Armenian Analytical Community", (in Russian), REGNUM, 15.06.2007
"Armenia cannot constantly 'bluff' in the regional geopolitical game: interview by Armen Aivazyan", REGNUM, 4 June, 2007 Read in Russian.
"Armenia on Verge of War: It Is a Reality to Be Counted with",, 23 February 2006.
"30 Authors In Whole and Integrity": About Presentation of the Collection "The Liberated Territory of Armenia and the Settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict", (in Russian), Golos Armenii, 07.02.2006
“Дело было в Снегирях”, Голос Армении, 18.03.2004г.
«Կարգավորումը մոտ ապագայի խնդիր չէ», «Հայոց աշխարհ», 213, 20.11.2001:
"The Minister Disorients the Public", in Armenian, Hayotz Ashkharh, 198, 30.10.2001:
"Ethnic Conflict in Caucasus Shows Its First Glimmer of Hope" , By STEPHEN KINZER , New York Times , 14.09.1998
Information warfare
"Armenia’s Information Security Is Fractured", in Golos Armenii, 17.10.2007 Read in Armenian, Russian,
"Государство за спиной", Голос Армении, 17.05.2007 г.
"The Armenian Studies as a Self-Defense System and Asymmetric Means of Resistance” (in Armenian), 21-rd Dar (XXI Century) Journal of “Noravank” Foundation (Yerevan), No.3 (9), 2005, pp. 138-147
“The Assassination in Budapest Was a Pre-Planned Operation by Azerbaijani Special Services” (in Russian and English) on March 30, 2004 the same article was published in Novoye Vremya (in Russian).
"We Must Responsibly Handle the Realities", (in Russian), Defacto news agency, 19 March 2004 Read in Armenian
“There are no Muslim Armenians” , (in Russian) , Armen Ayvazyan interviewed by Zara Gevorkyan, 16.12.2008 Read in Armenian
"The Armenian Identity Was Discussed As Early As By Tacitus", Interview with Armen Ayvazyan, (in Russian), Delovoy Express, №43 (797), 25.11.2008
ARMEN AYVAZYAN. “THE ARMENIAN COMMUNITY IN UKRAINE WORKS IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION”, (in Armenian), 10.09.2008 Tehran-based “Alik” Armenian daily has published the Armenian translation of Dr. Armen Ayvazyan's interview to the Ukrainian information and analytical center, Head of the “Ararat” Center for Strategic Research. Read in the new spelling.
“4500 Years to Traditions”, Golos Armenii, February 14, 2008. Read in Russian.
"The Fundamentals of Armenian Idenity or Who is An Armenian?", AZG Daily, December 1, 2007 Read in armenian, russian and french Video
MOTHER TONGUE AND THE ORIGINS OF NATIONALISM - A Comparative Analysis of the Armenian and European Primary Sources, Armenian Folia Anglistika (International Journal of English Studies), No. 1 (2), 2006, pp. 123-131. Read in Armenian, Russian
"Armen Aivazian calls to make repatriation key goal of Armenians worldwide", The Noyan Tapan Highlights, #641, 18 September 2006.
"Immigration is also a capital investment", 168 hours, Irina Sargsyan, 09.09.2006
Lecture/Public Discussion: “The Enhancement of Armenia-Diaspora Relations as a Way of Addressing the Challenges Facing the Armenian Nation”, Venue: Office of the Armenian Assembly of America, Washington, DC, 20 May 2005.
“Armenia-Diaspora: The Forgotten pledges of the Effective Cooperation”, the 3rd Conference of Armenia-Diaspora Mass Media, Tsakhadzor, 16.09.2006, Read in Armenian
“Old Armenia as a Nation-State”, “Echmiatsin”, Official Magazine of All-Armenian Patriarchate, #5, 05.2005, pages 123-138. Read in Armenian
Strategic Analysis
"Problems of Self-Organisation of Armenians in the Modern Phase of the Armenian Question" , Деловой экспресс, No. 02(708), 19 января 2007 г. Read in Armenian, Russian , French.
"Studies on Strategy and Security", (in Russian), Golos Armenii, 06.03.2007 Read in Armenian.
"Where one finds bread, there he should stay", 168 Zham, Nwvember 12, 2006 Read in Armenian
"Strategic Gaps in the Armenian Political thought or the Axioms of Armenia’s Geopolitical Existence", «Ազդակ» (Բեյրութ), 1.01.2006, բացառիկ համար, «Արարատ» (Բեյրութ), 1.01.2006, բացառիկ համար, Голос Армении, 10 ноября 2005 г.: Read in Russian , Armenian:
"The Elements for the National Security Doctrine of Armenia" (in Armenian) Droshak Quarterly No. 3 (1575), July 2002, pp. 2-16. "Strategic Consequences of the Armenian Genocide", «Ազգ» օրաթերթ, #076, 24.04.2002, Византийское наследство (информационно-аналитический журнал), No. 3, 2002, стр. 15-17: Read in Russian , Armenian:
"On the Armenian Crisis and the Fictiveness of Armenian State," (in Armenian) Asparez (Armenian version, Los Angeles), April 11, 2002; Luys biweekly magazine (Los Angeles), April 2002, No. 5 (146); Nor Hayastan (Los Angeles), April 27, 2002; Vasn hayutian weekly (Yerevan), April 16 (No. 14), 30 (No. 15), May 14 (No. 16), 2002; Or (Yerevan), May 16, 18, 21 (No. 19, 20, 21), Iravunk weekly (Yerevan) May 31, 2002 (No. 41/628); Zartonk daily (Beirut), October 5 & 6, 2002 (Nos. 224/18508, 225/18509). 23.2. The Russian translation was published in Golos Armenii (Yerevan), September 19, 2002.
“The Massacre of the Shirvan Armenian Commanders in Avetaranotz (June 1723),” Регион и мир, 2024, №4, pp. 58-70 (in Armenian). Read in Armenian.
“The Role of Armenian Forces in the Defense of Tabriz (September 1724),” Регион и мир, 2024, № 3 (52), pp. 19-25. Read in Armenian.
“A Critical Examination of Historical Distortions About the Epic Defense of Yerevan in 1724,” Armenian Journal of Political Science, № 1 (19) 2023, с. 127-170. Read in Armenian.
“The Armenian “military industry” in the 1720's,” The Problems of Social-Economic Development, 2023, № 1 (8), pp. 38-60. Read in Armenian
The Armenian military under Justinian and Maurice: A reply to pseudo-criticism. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 1, pp. 191–215. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2020.1.191-215. Read in Russian
"The impact of Medieval Armenian National-Liberation Eschatology On the Psychology of the Masses and Military-Political Projects of the 16–18th Centuries". Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 3, pp. 735–748. Read in Russian
"Hand Firearms of the Armenian Army in 1720s (the numbers, the types, production and the booty)," Metamorfozi istorii. 2016. Vol. 8, pp. 176-200. Read in Russian
"Clandestine Operations of Armenian Intelligence in the 1720-s", Part I ( Armenian, Russian ) Part II ( Armenian, Russian ) Part III ( Armenian, Russian ) Part IV ( Armenian, Russian ) Part V ( Armenian, Russian )
"The Armenian Rebellion of 538-539: A Military-Historical Analysis", “Sobesednik Armenii”, #20 (183), 27.05.2011 Read in Armenian, Russian
"Byzantine Military Pragmatism vs. Imperial Prejudice: Possible Reasons for Omitting the Armenians from the List of Hostiles in Maurice’s Strategikon", 16.02.2011
"Firearms of the Armenian Army of Artsakh in the 1720s",, #37 (155), 29 Oct.-5 Nov. 2010 Read in Armenian, Russian
"A Chronicle of the Carmelites as a Source for the History of Armenia" (17-18th centuries), Armen Ayvazyan, 09 October 2008 Read in Armenian
"Sardarapat: Without the Right of Defeat," Interview with Armen Ayvazyan, YETER weekly, No. 21, 22 May 2008 Read in Armenian & Russian
“Demographic Situation in Karabakh in the 1710-1720s,” Armenian Mind (journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia), Vol. 5, No. 1-2, 2001, pp. 67-74; republished in Louys biweekly magazine (Los Angeles), March 2002, No. 4 (145) HTML version Read in Russian, Armenian
"The Secret Meeting of Armenians on Lim Island in 1722 (Concerning The Possible Involvement of Western Armenians in an All-Armenian Liberation Movement)," in János M. Bak and Péter Banyó, eds., Issues and Resources for the Study of Medieval Central and Eastern Europe (Budapest-Cambridge, MA: Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University and the Committee on Centers and Regional Associations of the Medieval Academy of America, 2001), pp. 59-68. A version of this study appeared with the same title in Iran & the Caucasus, vol. 5 (Tehran: International Publications of Iranian Studies, 2001), pp. 85-92.
A. Ayvazyan, “The Notions of ‘an Armenian’ and ‘a Brave Warrior’ were synonymous in Byzantium” (in Russian), Novoye Vremya, 28 September 2002
“On the Geography and Toponymy of the Syinik Armenian Principality” (in Armenian), Etchmiadzin (Official Monthly of the Holy See of Etchmiadzin), No. 5 (May) 2006, pp. 60-72
“The Defense of Yerevan in 1724 as Studied in the Context of Relations between the Armenian Liberation Movement and Persian Authorities” (in Armenian), Arevelagitutian zhoghovatsu (Yerevan: State University Press, 2006), Vol. VI, pp. 51-77. “The Third Initial Text of the ‘History of Kapanians’’ (in Armenian),
Banber Matenadarani, No. XVII, 2006, pp. 177-187. “Catholicos Astvatsatur Hamadantzi (1715-1725) and the Armenian Liberation Movement,” (in Armenian) Etchmiadzin (official monthly of Holy Etchmiadsin), 2002 No. 6-7 (June-July), pp. 68-76. "The Ideology of Ghazar Jahketzi," (in Armenian) Patma-Banasirakan Handes (Historical-Philological Journal) of the Armenian Academy of Sciences (hereafter PBH), 2002, No. 1 (159), pp. 138-154. "The Events in Trascaucasia in 1723 and the First Support March of the Armenians of Artsakh to Syunik," (in Armenian) PBH, 1990, no. 4 (131), pp. 63-80.
Ավարտվեց Արևմտյան Եվրոպայում վերջին զինված հակամարտությունը, «ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆԻ ԶՐՈՒՑԱԿԻՑ», № 38 (201 ), 28 հոկտեմբերի 2011թ.. Read in russian
"Armenian Question Today: II-3. International Law Level", «Hayastani zrutsakits», #4 (167), 04.02.2011 Read in Armenian, Russian
"Armenian Question Today: II-2. International Law Level", «Hayastani zrutsakits», #1 (164), 14 Jan, 2011 Read in Armenian, Russian, French
"Armenian Question Today: II-1. International Law Level", «Hayastani zrutsakits», #45 (163), 24 Dec 2010 Read in Armenian, Russian, French
"ARMENIAN QUESTION TODAY: I", «Hayastani zrutsakits», #41 (159), 26 Nov 2010 Read in Armenian, Russian, French
"It Is Impossible not to See the Progress in Armenia", Interview by A. Ayvazyan to the Ukranian site ANALITIKA, 11.08.2008 Read in Russian
"A Sober and Sobering Account of Recent Developments in Armenia by an Eyewitness", California Courier Online, March 13, 2008.
“Ter-Petrosyan’s Objective: “International Inquiry into the March 1 Events” in Armenia”, first published on the website of the Strategic Culture Foundation (Moscow) on March 6, 2008. Read in Armenian and Russian.
“The Silent Cancer We Must Fight – Tooth and Nail”, The Yerevan Times (weekly, No. 6 /50/), 21 February 2005, republished in the Armenian News Network GROONG on the same day.
For articles and interviews in Armenian and Russian please check the corresponding sections in this website.
For the full list of A. Ayvazyan’s publications click here.